hehe..that's me (bt even my mom cn't recognise the girl in the photo is her daughter -.- )thks for the flash light so that i got the chance to cover my ugly sleeping face..haha
helped ai yin changed her new look..'deng deng deng deng...' pretty girl!!!
shld b very 'hang fuk' of u...2 girls beside you,hehe...
erm...obviously, three of us are bullying rabbit, n ooi b the 'bang xiong',cz he is the cameraman..hehe
we b friends together again after the bully act,haha...
erm...actually that's one more bully act photo (bo pia), but i m not dare to upload it ,cz somehow i need to jaga my 3 'lovely' friends' faces, so it is under personel collection,hehe...
Time to PLAY!!!yeah yeah yeah.....
Well, we just have the chance to play few games only...cz too many people.erm...quite weird somehow,cz that day suppose to b a schhol day,but seem like everyone still in holiday..somehow, the important thing is all of us having FUN all the day!!
if u really unhappy o u hving the feeling of 'death', try it!..definitely u will think that life is important!
roller coaster!..finally got the chance to sit for it.ha!
(ai yin:sorry to let rabbit pushing u to play with us,bt seem like u enjoy it very much..hehe)
camwhore all the way...
guys bin forced by me n ai yin to hv cute posting..hehe
well,this is ai yin's idea..i m only participant!! actually i suppose to point at my watch bt unfortunately i dun hv one as i nt used to wear watch.==
well,time to hv our lunch nw since all of us getting 'pening' after playing....@.@
Since we only hv our maggie as our breakfast (except for ooi n fu who got free breakfast to eat -.-), then our lunch shld b better and so we went to ' hao mei wei' ...
really fake smile~... cz all of us r getting tired after playing n joking around ==
actually i ordered mee jawa n this western lunch set belong to fu, i just simply pinjam to hv a photo on it...looks delicious~
After lunch, we decided to hv a walk at outdoor theme park n camwhore again..(well,ai yin target to hv 200 above photos and we make it for her..hehe)
i like the scene actually...so natural!!
dinosours kissing!!hehe...
self-posting time!!..
ai yin requested to hv a ride on it...hehe,we be the children again!!Our cameraman (ooi) n fu r behind us in another car cz the car cn't fit in 5 person in 1.==
well, the photo taken by ooi only teo's face cn b seen, so v js decided to camwhore ourself..hehe

thx! uncle, to b our photographer!!hope u dun mind our rabbit teo fooling with ur daughter just nw...
camwhoring with ai yin on the bus!!! i like this the most..hehe -looks pinky!!
finally..finished upload these photossss~erm...somehow, the whole trip is really fun n enjoyable, thanks guys!!! hopefully nex trip we cn gather all of us again, i mean nt only 5 of us, but the whole gang!!hehe