Most of the people think that take care of a baby will be much more easier cz they sleep more often. But when u r busy-ing with ur stuff n the baby is walking around, trying to take thngs that looked new n fresh to them n trying to play on it o throw it around, definitely u wil b mad on it especially when it comes to ur belonging...-.-..o mayb by the time u feel sleepy n trying to hv a nap, the baby cries bcz he/she feel hungry n asking for his/her milk, o their pampers full of urine, ur sleeping hour will be canceled n u r getting bad mood again...==
I realised these troubles cause when it comes to me to experience as a babysister. By the way, i also realised that patient n concern are much more important when it comes to babysis a baby, whether they are naughty, crying-baby o whatever different kind of characteristic. Not to say we must pamper them most of the time but when the time for us to be strict, we have to..What i have seen is that babies could definitely know who pamper them the most n they will start show up their 'merajuk talent' at those particular people. Well, if u js leave it like that, u will b regret by the time when they grow up, they will merajuk all the time like a kid!!..
Moreover, most of the growing up kids are quick-learner where they will follow up ur step whatever u do, the words u speak out...dun shock on it when the babies burst out abusive words that used to come out from ur mouth...

Cute,right? is my younger cousin named Kee Xiao Han...
fat baby!! doubt on his size!cz he is 大胃王....shldn't take photo with him actually cz it showed the different colour of our skin more obviousssssly.-.-!!
Now, i m calling him 'cowboy' cz he is very 'cow' n bcum more n more naughtier..He got two 'itchy hand' where he enjoying grabbing thngs that he saw n js play on it..The cuties part of him is when he show up his innocent face whenever he knows he done somethng wrong n people r going to scold him..-.-..clever!!And one more thng, only one way to stop him from running around is to gv him food!!swtlll..he smiles when there are food n cries when u r trying to take away his food..well, food is his heaven!!!
And below are the photos i hv took with the kids from YMCA child care centre where i joined their 3 days programme with lien yiny...(01-03062009)
the youngest baby in the centre and she comes from England with her two elder brother..(paise cz fgt abt their name le~)
mei mei lien yiny shawn n me...
Wei, the kid same name with my brother n the naughtiest kid in the centre..==lll
The prettiest kid i hv seen in the child care centre...
the pizza bread made by the kids n i hv tried to make for fam as well...easy to make n delicious~'s quite a great experience for both of us and we hv fun with all the kids as well eventhought the person-in-charge(Mrs wan o they called her auntie lily) a bit strict to us but somehow she quite nice la...hehe