But what surprising me is that I have a wonderful bday celebration for the 1st time that i din even expect it to be sooooo wonderful!!!I got free sing k with my friends, I got a special bday chocolate cake self-made by my friend-sou luan for the 1st time, one of my 'long time din meet' friend who come a long way from pahang-mee fan to celebrate my 21st bday,bday presants n bday blog created by one of my cousemate as well!!!
What the most happiest thng is that finally we all gather again!!!And we all like back to the crazy way we used to be when we r in form 6...can't stop chatting, laughing, 'booming' each other n singing,ha!!...
Time for happy hour!!We got a 'vip room' and sang for 4 hours..as wat sou luan n i hv planned early, v chose to sing michael jackson's song-heal the world, beat it n you're not alone. Luckily 5 mikes are provided n each of us hv the chance to sing 2gether n solo as well...all the songs we din used to sing bfor bt we stil managed to sing it using our own 'creacted pitch'!!swt..==lll. But lot of fun!!! We entertained ourself like we are in our own world n no disturbance from outsider!!ha!
like wat ai yin said, i m the 女主角 tat day. So i cn't miz any photos..haha
Ai yin told me tat shld b a surprise for me..bt the waiter js came in n ask:"u wan me to take the cake in nw?"!!!..swtlll he blow up ai yin's plan..bt nvm, it is ady a big surprise for me le (the whole day fun).haha..The waiter take in my bday cake, n suddenly stop the song 屋顶 which mee fan hs been waited for a long time n ady pick up the mike js to sing.hehe.(sorry,friend!). Surprisingly, they 播出 bday music on the big karaoke tv and all of friends sang for me my 21th bday song...(honestly, a bit touching at tat moment!!ha..)..After make wishes,of cz,cn't escape fr bday rule-pick up the candle using mouth!!==
at nite, v continue to hang out yam cha at Island Red Cafe near Era Walk there..But tis time, my purse bleed...i treat them on my 'big day', as one reason to thanks them for having this celebration!!!..jessie gv out many '烂keik', v gv her bek the sam face look ==lll..bt cn't miz out any laugh til my stomach pain!!
Too excited, i 'larikan diri' fr my sweet home n stay at my friends' house for 2 days..haha!!actually is js bcz i wanna to spend my precious time wif my lovely friends bfor i go bek to U again...At jessie's house, v camwhoring again..
Thks,guys!...for this wonderful n unforgetable bday celebration!!!miz u al...
p/s:Welcome to adulthood!!!
haha....happy birthday 又老一岁咯....although i will also felt happy teasing by u guys during my 21th but my bday is on my final(sobbing)....but anyway hope u enjoy ur 21th.....
回复删除thkx lo....v sing bday song to u thr msn...ha!so,rmb on9 tat day!!!