一路走来 才发觉
不管合不合 都只在于一缘之际
及时面对面 都会特意别开
曾经坚持紧握着 不放手
天真的以为只要不放弃 就不会失去
要讨厌 是需要勇气
要恨 就要狠
但内心的痛, 谁亦能体会?
骗不了自己 亦都不曾好过过
朋友不是该开开心心 简简单单
p/s: 只想忘怀一切, 自信地为自己开心活下去!!
Emo day
I really NOT unhappy today but it just happens to me to be emo suddenly till I feel like I just wanna to be alone. I dun think it’s totally wrong to be alone sometimes, cz everyone do nid privacy somehow??
I wouldn’t deny that I m kind of pessimism person most of the time where I used to think things in a negative way. Yet, I used to keep it myself rather than telling others what I feel about, why I m upset for o what is bothering me. Somehow, my face expression shows up my feeling obviously whenever it happens to be I m quiet, and this totally make me a loser where I m kind of can’t help myself keep my own feeling from everyone. Does it mean that I m not tough enough at all?? Or girls probably do emo most of the time?
Group work, always is bothering when it comes to self-formed group decision. I ady expected that I should just find my group myself when there is a limitation of member formed in each group. There wouldn’t always be like cz u belong to this group so u do no need to so worry abt group formation stuff cz sure u will b counted in that particular group. I realized it. What my feeling telling me is that I do b upset n totally b angry with if bcz of me, every1 seem like hard to make the decision n finally I m the one to be blamed. Totally hate tis kind of unreasonable problem to happen again n eventually i m the only one kind of to be isolated again. So, it doesn’t matter to me at all for which group I m in now. For me, I still can join other groups and new members. If everyone is ok with the decision, then I m totally ok with oso.
I wouldn’t deny that I m kind of pessimism person most of the time where I used to think things in a negative way. Yet, I used to keep it myself rather than telling others what I feel about, why I m upset for o what is bothering me. Somehow, my face expression shows up my feeling obviously whenever it happens to be I m quiet, and this totally make me a loser where I m kind of can’t help myself keep my own feeling from everyone. Does it mean that I m not tough enough at all?? Or girls probably do emo most of the time?
Group work, always is bothering when it comes to self-formed group decision. I ady expected that I should just find my group myself when there is a limitation of member formed in each group. There wouldn’t always be like cz u belong to this group so u do no need to so worry abt group formation stuff cz sure u will b counted in that particular group. I realized it. What my feeling telling me is that I do b upset n totally b angry with if bcz of me, every1 seem like hard to make the decision n finally I m the one to be blamed. Totally hate tis kind of unreasonable problem to happen again n eventually i m the only one kind of to be isolated again. So, it doesn’t matter to me at all for which group I m in now. For me, I still can join other groups and new members. If everyone is ok with the decision, then I m totally ok with oso.
20100110 Kudat trip
This is wat v called uni life...Nt only struggling 4 good result, BT oso spend our spare time have a trip outing with coursemate.ha
Spending 3hs + sitting in a kancil, summore the hot sun shine in directly on you!no view, only surrounded by trees, trees n trees. Really nt a good choice 4 enjoy.-.-
However, v finally arrived at our 1st destination - bee farm...
the funny thngs is , it is nt the bee farm wat i expected to b. Waiting 4 the ppl in-charged to kindle up the coconut skin (kind of it), v took a 2 minutes walk n then saw more than 10 of white boxes. Then v were told by the lady that the bees r inside the boxes..
al of us like .............u must be joking me.
the bees' house

spreading the coconut skin which after been kindled up at the bees, sum kind of narcotic, so that v won't b bit by those bees...

bees...actually if wan so, cn get it at my hostel, especially u cn get a lot in the toilets...ha

holding the bees...actually nt that scary at al..he

Bfore leaving the bee farms, took photos with the 2 biggest bees...

Nex destination - the long house

Nthng special, cz stil under reno, so js camwhoring around..

After spent our visit to those kg2 place, v cont with our journey to tip of the borneo - our main destination!!!
It's totally nt a easy journey to travel about, nt only spending our half day sitting in the car - san fu sai our drivers.ha, bt oso hv to spend abt half an hour pass thr jln2 batu, of cz in two ways. Luckily our car tayar din blow out after all...

tip of borneo!tip of borneo!!n v r HERE!!!
super nice view of sea, super nice view of white water fighting with each other, super nice sound of wave when hit at those rock...
n believe o nt, totally cn't keep ur eyes away from these view..super nice!!!

Before be close to the sea, still hv to manage to climb down on this 'rock stair'...

camera pls!!!

Can't stop camwhoring, smilling ,n posting in frt the cam....

Carved our name on the big rock as footprints?memmory?whatever ...importantly, v been here before!!!ha...

Hv a 'da he zhao' first before taking our heavy step leaving this wonderful works of god...js count 10 to 1 n smile!!!

Walao, wat a long distance bek to our car.-.-.....

Tey said, if come to kudat, never miz the chance to c the sunset. Bt unfortunately, v r short of time, plus driving at nite bek to ums fr kudat is totally a dangerous action to take. Why say so? cz there aren't any street lamp provided along the road!!Plus, narrow road still under contruction. So nvr try it eventhough u r dare enuf to thnk of.
Quickly taking our dinner at kfc, our journey finally came to the end and v bek to ums again...

Hopefully the nex time i come for the 2nd time, i will be able to c the sunset!!!@@...
Spending 3hs + sitting in a kancil, summore the hot sun shine in directly on you!no view, only surrounded by trees, trees n trees. Really nt a good choice 4 enjoy.-.-
However, v finally arrived at our 1st destination - bee farm...
the funny thngs is , it is nt the bee farm wat i expected to b. Waiting 4 the ppl in-charged to kindle up the coconut skin (kind of it), v took a 2 minutes walk n then saw more than 10 of white boxes. Then v were told by the lady that the bees r inside the boxes..
al of us like .............u must be joking me.
the bees' house
spreading the coconut skin which after been kindled up at the bees, sum kind of narcotic, so that v won't b bit by those bees...
bees...actually if wan so, cn get it at my hostel, especially u cn get a lot in the toilets...ha
holding the bees...actually nt that scary at al..he
Bfore leaving the bee farms, took photos with the 2 biggest bees...
Nex destination - the long house
Nthng special, cz stil under reno, so js camwhoring around..
After spent our visit to those kg2 place, v cont with our journey to tip of the borneo - our main destination!!!
It's totally nt a easy journey to travel about, nt only spending our half day sitting in the car - san fu sai our drivers.ha, bt oso hv to spend abt half an hour pass thr jln2 batu, of cz in two ways. Luckily our car tayar din blow out after all...
tip of borneo!tip of borneo!!n v r HERE!!!
super nice view of sea, super nice view of white water fighting with each other, super nice sound of wave when hit at those rock...
n believe o nt, totally cn't keep ur eyes away from these view..super nice!!!

Before be close to the sea, still hv to manage to climb down on this 'rock stair'...
camera pls!!!

Can't stop camwhoring, smilling ,n posting in frt the cam....
Carved our name on the big rock as footprints?memmory?whatever ...importantly, v been here before!!!ha...
Hv a 'da he zhao' first before taking our heavy step leaving this wonderful works of god...js count 10 to 1 n smile!!!

Walao, wat a long distance bek to our car.-.-.....
Tey said, if come to kudat, never miz the chance to c the sunset. Bt unfortunately, v r short of time, plus driving at nite bek to ums fr kudat is totally a dangerous action to take. Why say so? cz there aren't any street lamp provided along the road!!Plus, narrow road still under contruction. So nvr try it eventhough u r dare enuf to thnk of.
Quickly taking our dinner at kfc, our journey finally came to the end and v bek to ums again...
Hopefully the nex time i come for the 2nd time, i will be able to c the sunset!!!@@...
Happy Birthday, mom!!!
Since tmr i will be left n bek to sabah, let ur beloved daughter - tat's me celebrate for ur bday early for 10 days..hehe..
No cakes o party for this time, BUT!!! a little self-made present (chocolate) for u...

Cn't smell, cn't eat, only cn keep it in ur memory...

Wish ur health always in good condition and happy forever...love u,mom! muckkkkks!!!!
Another little self-made present by me oso...a strawberry cake!!

Going to gv to a cuming bday gal...
No cakes o party for this time, BUT!!! a little self-made present (chocolate) for u...
Cn't smell, cn't eat, only cn keep it in ur memory...
Wish ur health always in good condition and happy forever...love u,mom! muckkkkks!!!!
Another little self-made present by me oso...a strawberry cake!!
Going to gv to a cuming bday gal...
Gathering at ktv...(20091226)
Guess every1 prefer to gather o celebrate bday party at karaoke le. No exception for our form 5 gathering as well.
Think this will be my 4th time singing karaoke during this holiday..haha.
hw could u imagine when 12 ppl gather inside a medium-size ktv room but with only 2 microphones??
Luckily, those guys, erm..actually more to too shy to pick up the microphones and sing bt rather to sit aside n let the gals sing..Gals r ' zap dou' la.ha..no such thng like preemption at al.ha
After tired of singing, v rest for a while and start camwhoring...

Due to too many ppl, v try our best to stick tgt n fill-up any empty space under the camere 'limited area' b4 the cameraman 'chik-chak'...

me n ah yuh!!...the room is too cold till i hv to borrow shwu ying's jacket n cover myself.-.-

Only gals!!!..pls make sure ur gender b4 joining this grp for photo session.haha

All tgt again...

miss Catherine n miss Katherine...

Having fun again!!!^^
Think this will be my 4th time singing karaoke during this holiday..haha.
hw could u imagine when 12 ppl gather inside a medium-size ktv room but with only 2 microphones??
Luckily, those guys, erm..actually more to too shy to pick up the microphones and sing bt rather to sit aside n let the gals sing..Gals r ' zap dou' la.ha..no such thng like preemption at al.ha
After tired of singing, v rest for a while and start camwhoring...
Due to too many ppl, v try our best to stick tgt n fill-up any empty space under the camere 'limited area' b4 the cameraman 'chik-chak'...
me n ah yuh!!...the room is too cold till i hv to borrow shwu ying's jacket n cover myself.-.-
Only gals!!!..pls make sure ur gender b4 joining this grp for photo session.haha
All tgt again...
miss Catherine n miss Katherine...
Having fun again!!!^^
outing during Christmas...(20091225)
Guess guess guess!!!how m i going to celebrate for Christmas??
Morning, 4 of us - me ,ai yin, rabbit n xiu qiong (always the same ppl -.-) watched 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' at jusco....
At nite, bbq at shwu ying's new hse. It's actually a celebration for her wedding enrollment anniversary day..^^
erm, it's js spontaneous reaction when someone taking photo at you while you haven prepared yt...ha (i totally din realize ah bao, chun jie and ah yan hv the same reaction as me til i saw tis photo..ha)

No choice of hiding ourself anymore, v js let shwu ying took photo at us while v r bz chatting n laughing...

Sitting on the stair, watching the others playing the present-exchange game.. V din join this game, properly bcz wanna to save money...ha
Morning, 4 of us - me ,ai yin, rabbit n xiu qiong (always the same ppl -.-) watched 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' at jusco....
At nite, bbq at shwu ying's new hse. It's actually a celebration for her wedding enrollment anniversary day..^^
erm, it's js spontaneous reaction when someone taking photo at you while you haven prepared yt...ha (i totally din realize ah bao, chun jie and ah yan hv the same reaction as me til i saw tis photo..ha)
No choice of hiding ourself anymore, v js let shwu ying took photo at us while v r bz chatting n laughing...
Sitting on the stair, watching the others playing the present-exchange game.. V din join this game, properly bcz wanna to save money...ha
Christmas eve...(20091224)
Every christmas eve sure wil find me stay at home, watching tv. But this year totally different, cz i m hanging out!!ha...
Planned to celebrate our christmas eve at tarot cafe since tere wil b hving performance, bt the time v arrived tere,FULL!!!
nvm, v changed to station 1 and 1 more time, FULL!!!
-.-, no choice, v choose to yam cha at the ex-red island cafe(ady changed name bt i din notice its new name.ha)
Later on, v straight away drove to PD again (again, it is las minute decision)...
Fooling around on the beach at sunshine hotel...

Be careful with my hands, pls...

Merry christmas!!!
Planned to celebrate our christmas eve at tarot cafe since tere wil b hving performance, bt the time v arrived tere,FULL!!!
nvm, v changed to station 1 and 1 more time, FULL!!!
-.-, no choice, v choose to yam cha at the ex-red island cafe(ady changed name bt i din notice its new name.ha)
Later on, v straight away drove to PD again (again, it is las minute decision)...
Fooling around on the beach at sunshine hotel...
Be careful with my hands, pls...
Merry christmas!!!
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