This year will be the most busy cny 4 me as i almost spend all my time out for visiting and gathering with my frens.
2nd day of cny, i went to Jill Lyn's house for visiting. Imagine finally cn meet up with my cousins where we din hv a chance to meet each other for so long. Call to mind when we are still chidren, we used to play along, act like power ranger, play 'jumping' and all kind of yearn about those playful day.ha. Somehow, we cn't change the fact that everyone has grown up eventually and having their own life respectively. Seem like cny such a precious time for us to meet up again..
This is Jill Lyn n me

Sun kit, me n my bro..(2 guys hv to bend themselves to concert with my height.haih.--)

How how, at the left side beside jill lyn...

Finis visiting, times to yam cha again. Thx to miss tay again as our organizer to have this gathering.haha
Finnally, v get to go to station 1 and try up their drinks where v used to hear up ppl saying about it and it used to full of custumers when v get there.

Station 1 hot chocalate..^^

me n ai yin foolng around, trying to make xiu qiong more like i dun thnk it is a success anywhere.ha

my turn to b a photographer...

my new high heels with aiyin 'aladdin' slipper(dun thnk it is a correct word to be use)..

fgt about it's name but it is nice to eat...yummy!!!
