It's super cold morning when we woke up, grey cloudy sky, cars moving and people walking on damp road, apparently it's just rained. Somehow it's no way to stop our journey till here just like that. We are going to have a rainforest adventure and it should be a lots of fun..
Wait till our tour guide come and fetch us with his land rover. Land Rover!!Can't imagine what kind of expedition we are gonna to have??ok, imagine it's just rained and we are going to drive through slurry road!! Hard to imagine? just look at those photos..
It's absolutely not a flat road that a kancil or perhaps a toyata camry can drive through, believe or not, your lovely car engine would broke down eventually and you can get your car to the garage for overhaul purpose. In fact, the slurry narrow road is concavo-convex and passengers are advised to hold any 'holder' beside you as hardly as can to balance yourself from swinging more harder in the jeep..And you can't just simply stop your car halfway without handing up the handbreak hardly, the car will slide itself..
see how dirty n slurry the jeep is..lucky for us as we got the expert driver here.^^..Our jeep manage to drive up to a 75 degree slope, a 20 minutes slurry ride adventure till a stop where we guys need to start our jungle trekking. Of cause not less with shout of excitement and feel the swinging in the jeep..
Let's the expedition start!!..We took quite a few photos only during jungle trek as we dun wan to lack behind or perhaps lost in the jungle. =.=
Trekking in the jungle for couples of hours and all I felt the sweat rained through my face and my whole body that I thought myself walking under the rain.=.=..
Guess this is the reward for our 1st time rainforest adventure - rafflesia, the world's biggest and smelly flower. As a short briefing by the tour guide, the lifespan of rafflesia is only 7 days and there are 3 different type of species we can find in here. Guess we are the lucky one, it's the 2nd day of blossom for the raflesia..
Due to raining, the smelly odor of the rafflesia has been covered up and we are pleased to take a near photo with it. Somehow, you still can see flies flying around this big smelly flower..
And this is the blossom bud or perhaps a baby raflesia. Looks more like a brown mushroom..ha
Mission completed!!!..give a victoria sign to the camera!!!
Now then I realized why there are so many jungle trekkers even though they know it's dangerous. You actually get a lots of experiences in passing through the obstacles in the bosk, across the rivers by stepping on rock by rock, walking in the slippery and yet slurry jungle is not that easy as you can imagine. You get exhausted but it's a lots of fun indeed.
Next, we heading to orang asli village...
This is the blow pipe orang asli used to use it to hunt down the animals...
Our white sport shoes turns out to become a 'chocolate shoes' after walked out from the jungle..swt..Guess everyone of us got a washing job to do once we get back to home.ha
BOH plantation!!!time to have a cup of tea..^^
Mossy forest..'avatar' view and feel yourself factually in the world of 'the lord of the ring', as told by our tour guide.haha..
Any 'avatar' feel?
All I can say, I am having a lots of fun during this 3 days 2 nights trip in cameron highland..^^..Thanks to you guys again and this adventure will be the most memorable trip.
keep on show off here T.T
回复删除sei liyin hng bad gal haha
lol anyway u do look like enjoy a lot o^^
so nice dun care next time mz bring me thr hehe
what show off o?This is called more simply scold ppl tim.=.=
回复删除hehe wakaka whr got scold o?
回复删除wah u all a big group going? it's a tour we joining with other tourists as well..^^
回复删除haha nice experience....for a 1st timer like me. exhausted but happy and interesting especially the adventure ride to the jungle....and i still rmb som1 took my tomato slice without my notice....hehe
回复删除haha..thx for ur tomato slice and sorry for stealing it from u lo :p...(i actually fgt abt it le..hehe)
回复删除of coz u 4got jor la....ur head now hav onli 2 word, that is 'job' and 'money'....hehe
回复删除hehe yalor oni got money money hai shi money
回复删除lol thx ya anywhr for the tour ^^
ooi : pk jor, zero money jor, wat to do?of cz thnk of finding a job lo...
回复删除foong: no problem,hope u really enjoy the tour la.sban really nt that special even though.hehe
nice trip =)
回复删除souvenirs pls
waikit: lol.copy my line pula.=.=...nex time if got cameron trip with u al, i bring you to souvenir shop n choose for urself la,k?haha..