"Ok, Li Yin, so what do you mean by linear approximation?"
"Well,ok.........." Then I was like starked at there for couple of minutes. Trying to search back the slide, but I kept clicking on the wrong slide and my mind was totally blank. I was nervous!!!!I noticed everyone was looking at my stupid look, noticed that I am actually on the stretch situation. Shit!!stupid me!
Answer should be as simple as this: "Linear approximation is refer to the tangent line at (x1,f(x1) where it will cross the x-axis and generate a new x value which is the better approximation of root than the previous x value. Then the new value of x will generate a new tangent on the curve and get another new approximation of root. The process will continue till exact root is reached.". But I didn't manage to explain it clearly on the spot as I could saw confusion on Dr. Siva's facial expression. Stupid!stupid!!
Wondering why am I can't be steady during presentation and Q&A section. To be saying true, I easily get panic whenever lecturer pop out questions. Is like you understand the question and knowing the answer well but the problem is you easily getting nervous on the spot. Then you will start to panic and all the solution gone from your mind automatically before you can speak out. By the time you start to give explaination, it will turn out more confusion as you will tend to think out of nonsense answer that is totally out of the question with many grammatical errors. I am such public-speakingphobia. sigh....
Please help me to be a good presenter!!!