It's totally ok for us as there is nothing that can stop us from making a lotssss of fun in Sabah!!!
First time visiting to Malay Raya's open house at Likas Stadium and eat a lots of freeee food there.
Here's one of my favourite Malay's food-ketupat~~~

And nasi beranni(dunno it's correct spelling o nt.hehe)

me n liew chuan~~~^^
Later on, captured a lot of photosssss with our monkey wear..weee~~~

You won't believe what we have done but let the photos tell u..We took photos on a tree!!!!hahahha..can't believe how crazy and childish we are when we saw few children climbing on the tree and we just followed their step. Come on!!we already are adults but in our heart, we still acted like little kids.

After that, we continued our camwhore section with those frescos near kk town area which has been long time suggested by liew chuan.^^
Actually both of us trying to pose like ghosts but obviously it is failed as it is more like funny "liang po po" posing.. -.-

Hey yaaaaaa!!!!

Behind us is our new shopping complex in Sabah-Suria Sabah

Next station- atmosphere~~~
ngek ngek ngek..Everyone beware!!Cz monkeys are coming to town~~~

Introducing.."speak no EVIL, see no EVIL, hear no EVIL" group~~ (abstracted fr miss Ti Lien Yiny..hehe)

Here comes our monkey JUMPPPP!!!

Guess it is more like a one day KK trip for us..haha
lol Liang Po Po pose....wooowooowooowooo...LOL
回复删除eei,mr ivan,u thought vy easy to play the part of liang po po ah?LOL...