Turn on the TV...be it the mews channel, movies or National Geography. Every 15 minutes or so, you'll get a reminder on the importance on conseving the usage of paper to save mother earth of many tres that goes to making the simple paper which we have grown up to depend.
Then the iPad, iPhone, MSN came to the rescue of the mother earth...telling us how these modern technologies can do away with paper.
While to a certain extent this may be true but as a student, I cannot do without paper.
Fellow toastmaster, Ladies, and Gentlemen. Let me share with you 3 instances why I said I cannot do away with paper...even with all the modern technologies. They are:
1. Printed books Vs eBooks;
2. Dairy keeping; and
3. As a cost-efective mean of saying "I Love You."
Nowadays with eBooks, ejournal and internet, you can access to all sort of information to get your assignment done with no sweat...No!I didn't say that...I was drown with modern technologies to help me with my work.
I tried to accept these modern technologies by downloading a termendous amount of eBoooks from the internet and began referring to several e-journals to make sense of what is being said about a subject matter by different authors...with the flick of my fingers on the mouse...soon, not only did get stiff fingers...I lose my concentration and when I break for meals and want to continue from where I left off...lo and behold... I have lost where i left off and had to go back again.
I have lost many variable time redoing what I have lost and decided whether I should save mother earth at the expense of my studies.
I lost no time in printing out everything that I need for my studies. On printed materials I can use book markers and highlight any paragraphs I deem important. I can even use several color highlighters on one book.
Now I can leave my books for meals and continue upon my return.
Sorry mother eart...my studies is more important to me.
Time and again we are hounded by our lecturers and peers to keep a diary so that we do not miss out any lectures and appointments.
Yes. Nowadays we have handphones that has a diary built into it. BUt don't forget, even handphone will out of battery, and occasionally, this boyfriend of mine tend to throw tantrum at me and refuse to function well too!But you know what? My diary doesn't. I have to depend on my diary of this nature.
Besides, where else can I pen my secret thoughts at the moments' notice. Capture notes expounded during lectures. A handphone cannot let me do this.
Sorry, Mother Earth, I have to depend on my diary.
I remembered when I was in Form 4 and it was my mum's birthday. I wanted to buy her a present but as a student, I have not enough money to buy her anything branded.
I was at my wits end until I hit upon an idea. i scrounge on my pocket money and saved FIVE RINGGITS and made a Birthday Card for my mum.
I bought a hard cover papaer and a present wrapping paper.
I wrapped one side of the hard cover paper with the present wrapping paper, took out a family photo and the rectangular-shaped photo and paste on the card. Then, I foleded the card nto half with the photo face outside. After that, I opened up the folded card, took out a pen, and wrote on it with all my sincere wishes and love. That's the finishing part of the card making process. With the remaining present wrapping paper left, I cut it into more that 100 rectangular shape pieces and start to fold stars. Then, I collected all the folded stars and put them into a empty glass bottle which I found left alone in the kitchen. On the day of my mm's birthday, I woke up earlier and put the birthdaycard and the glass of folded stars on the dining table. My mom came down and she saw the card. While she was reading the content of the card, I appeared beside her, hugged her and said happy birthday, mom. There was no tears but from her face expression, I could feel the joyful in her. Without spending more than RM5 on those materials, I could surprise my mom with the exquisite birthday card and present that I have made on my own. I could say that it would be much better that I bought a brand to her.
Sorry Mother Earth, seeing my mom's smile is more important to me.
Fellow toastmasters, ladies and gentlemen, while i do admit that we can do a lot to help mother earth, the above were 3 instances where I can't do anything to help mother earth.
I need the use of the printed books as my studies are more important to me. I need to depend on my diary to keep my studies up to date and seeing my mum's smile is more important to me when I have none to give.
Mr./Ms Toastmaster