First time I attend to a dinner ball to celebrate an annual appreciation night with all the four years seniors.
First time I wear a gown with high heels, have my first try to make up my ownself… emm, not in a professional way, a little bit lost where I don’t even know what is the first step before putting anything on my face, the technique in make-up-ing and all the make -up ‘equipment’, I don’t even know one of it…haiz..quite pai sei to be a girl but know nothing about make-up…but at least I am not the only one who don’t know about this, hehe…
Another first time for me-clubbing with friends. I didn’t even expect that I, who used to be a good girl in front of my parent, will step in place like CLUB!!... Uni life, one of the activity - where most of the uni students will go for clubbing. Ya, I heard many times before and I thought that I wouldn’t be one of them, but hehe…just think it deeply, for your whole life, you just have once or maybe more to have yourself enjoy in such place, just enjoying, not doing anything illegal, so it is not a big deal at all! The important thing is that you SHOULD know how to protect yourself!!!
Last but not least, first time for me where I finally break my rule-drink beer and cocktail!!...oh no, I don’t know where do the courage come from that push me to do it…and I just did it!...maybe and most probably I just wanna to join my friends to do anything they used to do before so that I wouldn’t feel myself to be isolated at all and blame somebody else for that. I think it is a good try for me and I have done a good job!!hehe…well, not as bad as what I think, emm…what I can say is it is time for me to have a try on drink, because one day I still got to drink somehow for function purpose, who knows? just in case…